TrainingCheck Help Centre
How do I cancel my account?
Cancelling your account or auto-renewal
To cancel your TrainingCheck PRO account or subscription autorenewal:
Once you are logged in, click the My Account tab at the top right of any screen. Once on the My Account page:
- Scroll to the Account Details section and click the [Cancel Renewal] link. You will receive on-screen confirmation of the cancellation.
- Your account will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle. After this time it will revert to a free BASIC account.
Example: If you have a PRO Monthly subscription, it will cancel at the end of the current month and revert to a BASIC account.
Cancellation Terms:
Once your PRO subscription has been cancelled, all PRO features will be deactivated at the end of the current billing cycle, but your account and evaluations will not be deleted. You will be able to contunue using BASIC account features. You can reactivate your PRO account at a later date and all features will be available to you again.
If you have active evaluations or need to analyse data (e.g. download, filter, share responses, create reports etc.), then we recommend waiting to cancel your PRO subscription until you are completely finished.
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