How can I calculate Return on Training Investment (ROTI)?

You can use TrainingCheck to create Return on Training Investment reports which identify the ROTI %, the Benefit:Cost Ratio and the Payback Period (the period of time it takes to repay the investment).

You will need to have collected data (eg through your evaluations) on the financial benefits from and costs associated with the training to create an ROTI report.

Important: Before carrying out an ROTI analysis we recommend that you read our detailed guidance on Calculating Return on Training Investment (ROTI).

When you are ready to create your ROTI report, just follow these steps:

  • Click on the ROTI Calculator tab in the top menu bar. 
  • Enter a timeframe for the ROTI calculation (see the above ROTI guidance for help with this).
  • Add details of financial benefits derived from the training which you have collected.
  • Click the [Add Data on Costs] button, This will launch the Cost Calculator.
  • Enter details of costs associated with the training development, delivery, management etc.
  • Once you have entered all costs, click the [Create Report] button on the last page of the Cost Calculator to create your report. ROTI reports are stored on the My Reports page and can be edited there.


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